How to send push notifications to your app service [firebase]

Here’s how to send push notifications to your app service using firebase.

Login to your app service Google account on your web browser.


On the right-side menu, under Engage, click Messaging

If it is your first time being here, click the button with the label ‘Create your first campaign’

A dialog will appear. Select ‘Firebase Notification messages’ then click ‘Create’

Input your Notification Title and Notification text. Optionally, you can input the URL to an image you want the notification to load with.

Lastly, another optional selection is the notification name. Now click Next.

Under target, select the app you want the notification to be sent to. If you want to send it to multiple platforms, like Android and iOS, click Target to another app, then select the app.

You could have multiple apps in your Firebase. If you want to target them too with this particular push notification, add them.

Next is Scheduling. This is where you choose when you want the push notification, delivered. You can schedule it, or send it daily. You can also customize it to be sent weekly or on different days.

Conversion events are for setting what you want to track when users interact with your push notification. This setting is optional.

Set the additional options.

‘Expires’ is when the user doesn’t open your notification, how long will the notification bubble last before it disappears.

If you’re done, click review, the review is properly, then click publish when ready.

If you’re not ready to publish, you can save it as a draft.